16th May 2023 - Annual Meeting Minutes

Notes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 7.58 pm.

Before the meeting, Councillors signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office.

Present: Cllrs S Poulton, A Lennox, P Ireland, J Stapleton and E Hill, Mrs D Scott (Clerk)

and one member of the public.

41/23 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. It was proposed that Cllr Lennox be elected Chairman, this was agreed unanimously.

It was proposed that Cllr Stapleton be elected Vice-Chairman, this was agreed unanimously.

42/23 Apologies for absence – Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden (NKDC), Cllr A Key (LCC).

43/23 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – Councillors signed their Declarations of Interest, including two Sensitive Interests application.

44/23 Code of Conduct – having previously discussed the options, it was agreed that the NKDC Code of Conduct be adopted and published on the website.

45/23 General Power of Competence – it was noted that all five Councillors had been elected at the 2023 election and the Clerk held the necessary qualification, the Council’s eligibility to use the General Power of Competence was declared.

46/23 Notes of the previous meeting, 7th March 2023 – approved and signed.

47/23 Annual Finance 2022-23

  1. Internal Auditor’s Report – Mrs Gascoyne had reported that the accounts and governance were in good order.
  2. Exemption Certificate 2022-23, for submission to the External Auditor – With an income of £4,057 and gross expenditure of £2,388, both being under the £25,000 threshold, the Exemption Certificate was approved and signed for submission.
  3. Statement of Governance for the year ending 31st March 2023 – approved and signed.
  4. Statement of Parish Council Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2023 – approved and signed.
  5. The statement of variations and bank reconciliation were noted.

Mrs Scott to submit the Exemption Certificate to the Auditors and publish the set of statements and the Notice of Public Rights as required.

48/23 Finance 2023-24

  1. Mrs Scott shared the financial statement noting receipts and payments made since the last meeting, including receipt of the precept (£2,340) from NKDC and £881.94 from the Lincolnshire Co-op Community Champions. She explained that she had allocated the £881.94 to the Restricted Fund for Pump Lane.
  2. Payments including Clerk £178.83(April and May) including expenses (reimbursement of travel, stationery etc), HMRC £39.40 (mth 2 due 19/06/23), Mrs Gascoyne Internal Audit (£50), LALC ATS Subscription (£108 inc VAT), Burial Board Contribution (£100), Little Hale Chapel (£60) (room hire). and any others that become due.
  3. Insurance (renewal due 1st June) – it was agreed that the premium of £238.94 be paid before the renewal date.
  4. Coronation Event 7th May. Cllr Poulton explained that £150 had been received in ticket sales, and £55.50 raised by the Raffle for the Defib fund. He passed the cash to Mrs Scott for banking. A full report would be presented to the next meeting. Cllr Poulton thanked everyone who had helped with the event. Payment to Parva House for the use of the room was authorised, £55. It was noted that several people had gone on to the Chapel for tea and cakes and the service.

49/23 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.

  1. Updates from LALC, LCC, NKDC, YMCA, ICO - noted.
  2. TSG Bus times – call connect update - noted.
  3. Election papers - noted.
  4. Lloyds Bank Statements - noted.

50/23 Policing Update – it was noted that a police vehicle had been spotted on Burton Lane. Concerns were again expressed about the planned loss of PCSOs.

51/23 Highways Matters

As discussed at the APM, there had been issues with the road closures for Quickline. Another closure had been notified for Fen Road on 7th-9th June. Mrs Scott to clarify with Highways the distinction between Little Hale and Great Hale.

Cllr Stapleton was thanked for his work on clearing the gully on Fen Road after the heavy rain. He agreed to report the blockage on FixMyStreet.

Gritting – it was noted that former Councillor, Mrs Rooke, had kindly offered to keep the stock at her home for the time being.

52/23 Broadband – Cllrs Lennox and Poulton reported on communications with Quickline confirming that the plan was for fibre to the premises, mostly using existing ducting although some new stretches would be required, hence the road closures. Quickline would supply a router to subscribers. Funding was in place now to extend the service to Fen properties. Minimum speeds would depend on contracts chosen. Information had recently been received about Community support opportunities which might benefit the Chapel and/or Parva House. Mrs Scott to contact Quickline for more information and set up a meeting. Cllr Ireland was thanked for his hard work over several years to get the project off the ground.

53/23 Planning Matters

  1. Applications – none

54/23 Planning Inspectorate

  1. Viking Link – none
  2. Triton Knoll – none
  3. Ecotricity, Heckington Fen - Solar Park - no update
  4. Anglian Water Reservoirs Project – it was noted that the report on the feedback from the consultation was now on the AW website www.anglianwater.co.uk
  5. Beacon Fen – information about the proposed Solar Farm had been received. Various consultation events had been planned. Mrs Scott to request a meeting, possibly for 13th June and request funding for hire of meeting room and publicity, e.g., mailshots or leaflet drops.

55/23 CIL Funded Projects

Noticeboards – Cllr Stapleton advised that the new noticeboards should be ready for the July meeting. He would provide a combination padlock for each.

Bench – Cllr Poulton would arrange for suitable locations to be identified.

56/23 Phone Box and Community Defibrillator

Reporting – ongoing, thanks again to the volunteer group.

Spares – it was noted that the replacement battery had been received and fitted but the subsequent check revealed a malfunction. Mrs Rooke had reported this to CHT and arranged for the unit to be returned after CHT had supplied a loan defib. CHT were investigating the problem and would return the LH Defib as soon as possible.

Plaque - as agreed Cllr Poulton would fit this as soon as possible.

Training – As before, Cllr Poulton would be providing another training session on the use of the Defib. Arrangements to be confirmed.

57/23 Pump Lane

It was noted that Mrs Rooke had kindly agreed to continue with the grass cutting. It was suggested that volunteers might wish to help, Cllr Poulton agreed to contact those on the list.

58/23 Spring Litter Pick - Sunday 16th April, had gone well. Cllr Ireland confirmed that he now held the kit in storage.

59/23 Parish Council Communications

  1. Website – Official election posters had been added.

60/23 Matters for the next meeting – Little Hale to Helpringham footpath, standing items.

61/23 The Dates of Meetings for 2022-23 – as agreed 4th July, 5th September, 7th November, 2nd January 2024, 5th March, all at 7.30 pm, 7th May at 7.45pm, with Annual Parish meeting at 7.30pm


The meeting closed at 9.25 pm.

Agreed as a correct record and signed by Cllr Lennox at the meeting on 4th July 2023