7th March 2023 - Minutes

Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 7th March 2023 at 7.30 pm.

Present: Cllrs S Poulton, A Lennox, N Rooke and J Stapleton, Mrs D Scott (Clerk) Cllr A Key (LCC).and four members of the public. It was noted that the members of the public were interested in speaking on subjects later on the agenda and this was welcomed.

20/23 Cllr Poulton welcomed all to the meeting.

21/23 Apologies for absence – Cllr P Ireland, Cllr S Tarry (NKDC).

22/23 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none

23/23 Notes of the previous meeting, 3rd January 2023 – approved and signed.

24/23 Finance 2022-23

i. Mrs Scott shared copies of transactions to date. The balance at Lloyds was £3,663.27 before this evening’s transactions and this was checked against the bank statements. The balance included restricted funds of £1,607.26.

ii. Payments were approved for the Clerk £174.43 by cheque (February and March), HMRC £39.40 (mth 12 due 19/4/23) and LALC subscription £76.04 both by transfer.

iii. It was noted that Mrs Gascoyne had agreed to conduct the Internal Audit at the year end.

25/23 Budget 2023-24. It was noted that the Precept forms had been submitted as agreed, and the receipt acknowledged.

26/23 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.

i. Updates from LALC, LCC, NKDC, YMCA, ICO – noted.

ii. NKDC Elections – information had been received including nomination packs, collected by Mrs Scott from the Candidates’ briefing. Packs were shared at the end of the meeting.

iii. Citizens Advice Mid-Lincs – request for funding – noted.

iv. Information from Coronation events promotional items suppliers - noted.

v. Lloyds Bank Statements - noted.

27/23 Policies for Review Mrs Scott advised on minor changes to the Standing Orders (in line with the NALC Model) and the Equal Opportunities Policies (in line with LALC suggestions). No changes were recommended to the Financial Regulations, Social Media Policy, GDPR Policy nor the Scheme of Publication.

The Policies listed were approved for publication, with the amendments. Mrs Scott to update the website.

28/23 Policing Update – information had been received about the Team. Councillors were very concerned about the proposed reductions in PCSOs across Lincolnshire, as reported by Cllr Key. The PCC’s office had again asked for the Council’s comments on Policing Priorities and Mrs Scott was asked to reply thanking them for the campaign against hare-coursing, expressing fears about the loss of PCSOs and stressing the importance of a visible Police presence.

29/23 Highways Matters Culvert Works road re-marking – it was noted that this had been completed as requested, thanks to Highways, via Cllr Key. Cllr Lennox reported that the water was following well now in the dyke on the east side of the village. It was noted that levels in the dyke near the Phone Box had stayed reasonable, although the next heavy rain would give a clearer picture. Fen Road – it was noted that some potholes had been filled, but it was important to keep reporting through FixMyStreet. Signage – a member of the public reported that a signpost had been found in a dyke just outside the speed limit towards Helpringham. Cllr Poulton agreed to photo and report it on FixMyStreet.

30/23 Broadband – in Cllr Ireland’s absence, Cllr Poulton reported that Quickline’s contractors (Opal) were now installing the fibre in Heckington and Great Hale, with work in Little Hale and Helpringham to follow. He had emailed the company for more technical detail but urged residents to check the Quickline website. www.quickline.co.uk.

31/23 Planning Matters

i. Applications – none

32/23 Planning Inspectorate

i. Viking Link – none

ii. Triton Knoll – none

iii. Ecotricity, Heckington Fen - Solar Park - no update

iv. Anglian Water Reservoirs Project – consultation period had ended; updates would be provided on the AW website www.anglianwater.co.uk.

Cllr Key pointed out that Lincolnshire seemed to be being targeted for large numbers of infrastructure projects such as solar farms, but to the climate compared to other parts of the UK, but the conflict between energy-security and food-security was difficult to resolve.

33/23 CIL Funded Projects

Noticeboards – Cllr Stapleton presented the quote for the materials amounting to £200 for the oak and a further £220 for ancillaries, plus VAT, with no charge for his time. The quote was accepted. It was hoped that the work could be completed before the Coronation, as it would be fitting to unveil them at the event, given that the Bus Shelter itself commemorated that previous Coronation.

Bench – Cllr Poulton had found prices for a bench made from recycled plastic, possibly to be sited near Pump Lane, for relocation to the Pump Lane project when permitted. Further research to be undertaken. Other Projects – It was suggested that additional funding could be sought to fund an interactive speed sign. Mrs Scott to contact LRSP and investigate other grants.

34/23 Spring Litter Pick It was agreed that this be arranged for Sunday 16th April, from 10 am and be promoted as part of the Coronation push for community volunteering and the environment. It was agreed that the regular volunteer litter picker should take some time off in the run up to the community event. Cllr Rooke confirmed that she still had the kits (pickers and bags). Mrs Scott to contact NKDC to arrange collection of rubbish.

35/23 Phone Box and Community Defibrillator Reporting – ongoing, thanks again to the volunteer group.

Volunteers – Cllr Poulton had drafted an updated rota and was discussing arrangements with the volunteers.

EMAS, etc. Concerns continued. It was agreed that Cllr Poulton arrange for a suitable plaque to be installed and advice given to residents in the next newsletter. Spares - Cllr Rooke had placed the order and, as agreed at the last meeting, payment would be made on receipt.

Training – As before, Cllr Poulton would be providing another training session on the use of the Defib. Arrangements to be confirmed.

36/23 Coronation Event 7th May – Mrs Scott confirmed that Parva House was provisionally booked – she would confirm the booking. The format was agreed as being a Sunday Lunch from 1 pm, as discussed before and since found to align with the King’s wishes. Cllr Poulton’s offer to provide the catering was accepted and it was agreed that a ticket price of £10, with children’s tickets at £5 and a discounted family ticket would be appropriate. ‘Children’ to be defined as of Primary School age. It was noted that the venue had accommodated 60 at a push for a seated meal in the past, but 40 was more realistic and could be extended with the use of the marquee. It was suggested that ‘bring your own’ drinks could help keep costs down for people attending and would reduce the work involved and the need for a TEN. A raffle could be held, perhaps in aid of the Defib fund. Members of the public present, representing the Chapel, had suggested that people attending the event could follow it with the Service at the Chapel, with tea and cakes afterwards. It was agreed that 4pm Service would work well, allowing the organisers to clear Parva House. This to be promoted on the publicity. It was suggested that the raffle could be drawn at the Chapel. Councillors agreed to meet to finalise the arrangements. The reserve held over from the Jubilee event would be used for the venue costs.

37/23 Pump Lane It was noted that the Coop Community Champion period had now ended, news of the outcome was awaited. Donated trees had been planted. Cllr Rooke would be attending to the grass when conditions were drier. Cllr Poulton agreed to re-print the sign.

38/23 Parish Council Communications

i. Website – Election promotional materials had been added, with formal notices to follow.

ii. Newsletter – to include Defib information, Council Tax 2023-24, Litter pick date, update on Coronation Event and call for volunteers. Cllr Lennox to draft, Cllr Poulton to print and Cllr Rooke to distribute.

39/23 Matters for the next meeting – Post election, usual Annual Meeting actions – Acceptances of office, code of conduct, General Power of Competence, Election of Chair, dates of meetings 2023-24, etc.

40/23 The Dates of Meetings for 2022-23 – as agreed 16th May at 7.45pm, with Annual Parish meeting at 7.30pm

The meeting closed at 9.05 pm.

Signed as an accurate Record by A Lennox on 16th May 2023