17th October 2023 - Minutes

Little Hale Parish Council 

Notes of the Extra Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7.30 pm.

Present: Cllrs S Poulton, P Ireland and J Stapleton, and Cllr S Tarry (NKDC), Mrs D Scott (Clerk) and 10 members of the public.

91/23 Welcome – In Cllr Lennox’s absence, it was agreed that Cllr Poulton chair the meeting. He took the Chair and welcomed everyone. He reminded the members of the public present of the opportunity to speak before the meeting and explained that there would be further opportunities during the meeting for them to make comments or raise questions.

92/23 Apologies for absence – Cllrs A Lennox and E Hill, Cllr S Ogden (NKDC) and Cllr A Key (LCC).

93/23 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – None

94/23 Planning – to consider a response to the planning application 23/1021/FUL Development of a photovoltaic solar array (49.995MW export capacity) with associated grid corridor works, access improvements and ancillary development. Land South of Little Hale Drove Little Hale Fen. For details see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline. The applicant, AGR Group, had supplied additional information which had been shared on the Parish Council’s website prior to the meeting. Councillors raised issues as follows:

Access for construction vehicles – it was noted that the applicant’s preferred route for construction traffic was across farmland from the A17 at Carters Plot, from the A17 at Carters Plot, across Great Hale Fen, south along a private farm roadway where consent has not been given for its use, and part of Little Hale Fen. Whilst this would be preferable to using the advisory HGV route through Little Hale, Councillors were concerned that the new road surfacing on Fen Road would not be strong enough to take the weight of traffic, access on and off the A17 at Carters Plot could be difficult and they noted the lack of communication to date with the landowners on the proposed route across Little Hale Fen.  . In response, a member of the public explained that AGR had now been in touchnow been in touch and a meeting had been arranged for the following week to discuss the temporary use of the farm track.

The proximity of the planned solar farm itself to nearby properties. It was noted that other similar developments were 700m, or at least 300m from their neighbours, whereas in this case it could be as close as 50m.

The use of good quality farmland for non-food production. It was noted that, when the land now proposed to be used for a solar farm was last sold, it was advertised as Grade 2. In response a member of the public explained that the land involved had been chosen from lower Grade 2 land and the better Grade 2 land was being preserved for ongoing arable use. He added that proximity to Bicker Fen had been a key factor, saving distance for the cabling route, and the solar farm area would be grassed and used for sheep grazing, so not completely lost to food production. It was also noted that compensation would be paid to landowners whose land was used for the temporary haul route.

Screening – it was noted that the solar farm would be bounded by hedging for visual screening and this would benefit the wildlife. In response a member of the public explained that such a high hedge would impact adversely on the neighbouring property.

Farm viability - it was noted that farming had not been easy since Brexit and other world issues, but such projects could provide a temporary source of income and the land could return to agriculture at the end of the solar farm’s life, and alternative financial support was available for ecological projects under ELMS (Environmental Land Management Schemes) but not directly for food-production. Councillors noted that this was not a material planning issue.

National Infrastructure – concerns were expressed about the number of national infrastructure projects that were being put forward for this part of Lincolnshire. Although the proximity to Bicker Fen was an obvious attraction for the projects, it was felt that Government targets would not be met without more local projects such as support for solar panels on domestic and commercial properties especially new builds and food-security aspects should be taken into account.

Community Benefit – Mrs Scott reported that AGR had offered to meet the Parish Council and local residents to discuss the project and an associated community fund.

Cable route – the exact route was not clear from the plans provided, concerns regarding disruption to the Fen Road carriageway, which was only re-surfaced this summer, and potentially restricted access to land and properties during construction, clarification to be sought. Cllr Tarry pointed out that the project was below the size that would require approval from the Planning Inspectorate, hence the application to NKDC. She had listened to the discussions with an open mind and would take the concerns into account when considering her response as an NKDC Councillor and potential member of the Planning Committee. Cllr Poulton thanked those present for their contributions. He explained that the Council’s response would be drafted for submission by 23rd October, but urged everyone to email the Clerk with any further points and/or submit them directly to NKDC via Planning Online. Clerk to submit the Parish Council’s objections as set out above.(Cllr Tarry and one member of the public left the meeting at 8.09 pm)

95/23 - Planning – Beacon Fen - call from Asgarby and Howell PC and others, for support in their protest against Beacon Fen Energy Park see https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/east-midlands/beacon-fen-energy-park/. It was noted that a meeting had been called for the previous evening but unfortunately no-one from the Parish Council had been able to attend. After discussion, Councillors agreed to support Asgarby and Howell Parish Council’s campaign, Mrs Scott agreed to contact their Clerk for more information.

96/23 Matters for the next meeting – Bank Signatories and change of mandate, standing items. Cllr Poulton explained the plan to provide more defib training and a number of members of the public expressed an interest.

97/23 The Dates of Meetings for 2023-24 – as agreed 7th November, 9th January 2024, 5th March, all at 7.30 pm, 7th May at 7.45pm, with Annual Parish meeting at 7.30pm The meeting closed at 8.15 pm

Agreed as a correct record and signed by Cllr Lennox at the meeting on 7th November 2023