7th January 2020 - Agenda

Little Hale Parish Council

To All Councillors

You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at The Methodist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale, on Tuesday 7th January 2020 at 7.40 pm, or earlier if the Public Forum (starting at 7.30 pm) finishes sooner.

1. Welcome.

2. Apologies for Absence.

3. Declaration of Interests and any Dispensations sought under the Localism Act 2011

4. To approve the notes of the previous meeting, held on 5th November 2019

5. Finance 2019-20

i. To receive updated financial statements, including payments authorised between meetings.

ii. To approve payments including Clerk (December/January plus expenses (reimbursement of travel, stationery etc)), HMRC (mth 10 due 19/02/20), and any others that become due

6. Finance 2020-21 – to agree Budget for 2020-21

7. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence received

i. Environment Agency – Flooding updates

ii. LALC weekly news and newsletter no 171

iii. LCC School Admissions Policy Consultations

iv. NKDC Brains of Kesteven – Charity event

v. LALC Clustering Consultation Conclusions

vi. Community Lincs – updates

vii. Armed Forces Covenant - updates

viii. Lloyds Bank Statements and any others.

8. Policing update

9. Highways Matters

i. Chapel Lane/ Fen Road Traffic Route – to note progress with Rowan Smith on signage

ii. Any outstanding or new issues

10. Flooding issues

11. Planning Matters – see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline

i. 19/1578/LBC 8 Fen Road NG34 9BD – Erection of patio and garden walls

ii. 19/1577/HOUS 8 Fen Road NG34 9BD - Erection of timber shed, patio and garden walls (part retrospective) - to note informal supportive comments submitted re both above applications

iii. Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – Village Profile updates

12. Planning Inspectorate Matters

i. Viking Link Interconnector Project – update if any

ii. Triton Knoll – update if any

13. Community Defibrillator – to note reporting, ordering of spares, etc

14. Dog Fouling

15. War Memorial – report from event and update on grant

16. Powerforpeople.org.uk – request to support the Local Electricity Bill

17. Land at Pump Lane

18. Spring Clean 20th March – 13th April 2020

19. Matters for next meeting

20. Dates of Meetings, as agreed: 3rd Mar, 5th May (APM and Annual meeting).

2nd January 2020


Debbie Scott, Clerk to Little Hale Parish Council, 9 Forum Way Sleaford NG34 7FF
07973 330765 website http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/littlehale