15th October 2020 - Agenda

Little Hale Parish Council

To All Councillors

You are hereby summoned to attend the extra Meeting of the Parish Council to be held virtually using Zoom, on Thursday 15th October 2020 at 7.10 pm, or earlier if the Public Forum (starting at 7.00 pm) finishes sooner.

Members of the public are welcome to attend any Parish Council meeting during the year. In the case of virtual meetings, members of the public should notify the Clerk in good time before the meeting so that they can be sent an invitation to join the meeting.

1. Welcome.

2. Apologies for Absence.

3. Declaration of Interests and any Dispensations sought under the Localism Act 2011

4. Planning Matters – see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline 20/1256/HOUS 19 Fen Road NG34 9BD Erection of front porch and pitched roof over garage

5. Autumn Clean-up Litter Pick 18th October - arrangements

6. Matters for next meeting

7. Dates of Meetings, as agreed: 3rd Nov, 5th Jan 2021, 2nd Mar, 4th May (Annual Meeting, Annual Parish Meeting)

DEScott 9th October 2020

Debbie Scott, Clerk to Little Hale Parish Council, 9 Forum Way Sleaford NG34 7FF
07973 330765 littlehalepc@gmail.com
website http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/littlehale