Tuesday 5th March 2024 - Draft Minutes

Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 8.36 pm.

Present: Cllrs A Lennox, P Ireland, J Stapleton, E Hill and S Poulton, and Mrs D Scott (Clerk),18 Members of the Public and Mr Luke Rogers (AGR)

Prior to the business of the meeting, an extended Public Forum was held to discuss the recent flooding issues and the proposed Solar Farm.

The following points were raised:


Cllr Ireland reported that LCC had again inspected the culverts and carried out some unblocking; the inspection had confirmed that the lamppost was blocking the culvert and identified variations in the levels in the ditch which could impede the waterflow in three places between Pump Lane and west of Parva House. They had asked the Parish Council to approach the riparian landowners to do improvements. LCC had commissioned drainage specialists to investigate and determine what was necessary to improve the situation, which may include replacing the 4 culverts with larger pipe.

Residents asked what pressure they could put on to help move it forward. Councillors pointed out that progress was now being made and asked that the authorities be given a chance to carry out the plans. Messages of support, through Cllr Key, would be appreciated.

No-one present could remember when the lamppost had been installed.

In answer to questions, Cllr Ireland confirmed that LCC would be coordinating the work and monitoring the outcomes. Letters would be going out to the riparian owners after this meeting. It was understood that LCC would be paying for the lamppost removal and the associated culvert restoration. He again asked that LCC be given a chance to complete this work before looking at alternative solutions.

Residents commended Mr Pocklington’s efforts to pump the water away, which they felt had been exceptionally effective at keeping the water levels as low as possible around the Fen Road/ Main Road junction and preventing further flooding of neighbouring properties, not just his own. It was noted that some individuals had contributed to Mr Pocklington’s costs, by donating fuel, etc., and the Parish Council was asked to consider a contribution.

Thanks were recorded to Mr Pocklington for the pumping work and also to Cllrs Ireland and Stapleton for their work in clearing various sections of dyke.

Cllr Lennox thanked members of the public for attending and taking part in the discussions, she invited them to return for an update at the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting, both on 7th May.

Solar Farm

Cllr Lennox invited Mr Rogers to speak to the meeting.

Mr Rogers thanked the Parish Council for the invitation. He described his company, AGR, and explained its purpose of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. He said that the site on Little Hale Fen had been chosen for its proximity to the Bicker Fen Substation and the potential access route across farmland from the A17 to the site, with minimal disruption to local residents. Access from the site to Bicker Fen would follow existing routes, under the South Forty Foot. He added that comments through the Planning Portal so far had been 3 against and 9 in support. Extensive hedge and tree planting was planned for the site, to protect sensitive views, including mature planting. He explained that the new planting and conversion to grassland meadows scored highly on DEFRA’s bio-diversity metric and the South Lincolnshire Hedgerow Strategy. The national balancing act between food security and energy security was noted. In respect of the land quality, he stated that the 80-hectare site accounted for only 0.03% of the land categorised as the ‘best and most versatile’ land in Lincolnshire. He added that the land would not be completely lost to agriculture as sheep grazing would be provided around the panels and the land would be fully restored to agriculture at the end of the Solar Farm’s life.

He described the proposed community fund, which would be set up if the development went ahead. This would provide £30,000 per annum for the life of the farm (40 years) to be shared between the most affected parishes (Little Hale, Great Hale and Heckington), managed by the Lincolnshire Community Foundation. He suggested that some could perhaps be used to alleviate the flooding issues, for example. He added that the company would also be working with the University and local schools as an educational resource. Local materials and labour would be used as far as possible including providing apprenticeships.

In summary he pointed out that the UK was falling behind with renewable energy and this project would be able to power 18,000 homes.

Questions were raised as follows:

Public Consultation – this had been through the planning process and direct approaches to close neighbours of the site and the access route and via the Parish Council. Residents present were not convinced that the consultation had been effective, despite meeting statutory requirements. It was also noted that the Parish Council had convened an extra meeting in October to discuss the proposal. Mr Rogers acknowledged that there had been some miscommunication at the start of the process but that had been resolved and the landowners of the access route were now on board.

He hoped to resolve other issues and concerns raised by neighbouring residents, after the meeting.

Effect on properties – Residents expressed fears that house values may be adversely affected especially on the Fen.

Screening - Concerns were also expressed about the height of the proposed screening, affecting the adjacent properties and farmland. Mr Rogers confirmed that the planting would be maintained at reasonable levels, compared to the height of the panels (tops at 3m). He recognised the balance between screening views and creating shadows.

Life – Mr Rogers confirmed the panels had a life expectancy of 40 years. He pointed out that the planning permission would be temporary (40 years) and the developers would be required to re-instate the land as farmland at the end of the project. Residents asked whether the land would be fit for restoration and he confirmed that the panels and installation works would be completely removed. No residual detriment was anticipated.

Community Fund – Mr Rogers confirmed that the funding would be CPI linked over the 40 years. This was intended to support the most affected community, which he agreed Little Hale clearly would be. It was noted that most other similar developments offered similar community benefits and that funding would be distributed after applications from the community were assessed by the independent grant managers, LCF, based in Sleaford.

Other plans – Mr Rogers explained that Bicker Fen Substation was reaching capacity so AGR had no plans for further solar farms in this area, beyond this one and another already in progress to the east of Bicker Fen.

Access Road from A17 – would this be permanent? Mr Rogers confirmed that it was intended that this would be used for access during construction and for any HGVs required for ongoing maintenance of the site but would not become adopted public highway. Smaller vehicles, vans etc would access the site, once operational, via the public roads.

Cllr Lennox thanked Mr Rogers on behalf of the meeting for attending, his presentation and answers to questions.

Other matters raised by Residents

Condition of Fen Road - It was noted that the increase in potholes and general deterioration of Fen Road through the village had been repeatedly reported on FixMyStreet. The voluntary one-way system was being ignored by many HGVs. It was noted that inconsiderate parking around the junction of Fen Road and Chapel Lane was a contributory factor. The Parish Council was asked to consider reminding residents there about parking off-street where possible. It was noted that Cllr Key had been pushing for repairs to Fen Road and work was now scheduled by LCC.

(13 members of the public and Mr Rogers left the meeting at 8.36 pm).

22/24 Welcome – Cllr Lennox welcomed everyone to the meeting.

23/24 Apologies for absence – Cllr A Key (LCC) and Cllr S Tarry (NKDC)

24/24 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none

25/24 Notes of the previous meetings, 9th January 2024 – approved and signed.

26/24 Finance 2023-24

  1. Mrs Scott shared the financial statement noting receipts and payments made since the last meeting, explaining that the position was unlikely to change before the end of the year on 31st March.
  2. Payments including Clerk £92.00 (February) including expenses (reimbursement of travel, stationery etc), HMRC £18.00 (mth 12 due 19/04/24), and the LALC subscription for 2024-25 were agreed.
  3. Bank signatories – the mandate adding Cllr Hill and removing Mrs Rooke was signed, as agreed at the previous meeting. Mrs Scott to submit to Lloyds.

27/24 Finance 2024-25. The precept form had been submitted and acknowledged.

28/24 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.

  1. Updates from LALC, LCC, NKDC.
  2. Lincolnshire Community Foundation - Rural England Prosperity Fund grants
  3. LCC Electric Vehicle Charging Survey
  4. King’s Portrait – Mrs Scott explained that she had submitted a request. It was hoped that the Chapel would be able to find wall-space for the portrait, if not, another suitable location would be sought.
  5. NKDC – Cllr Ogden’s resignation and arrangements for election on 21st March. Mrs Scott had sent a message of thanks, via NKDC, but was asked to write to him directly, thanking him on behalf of the Parish Council.
  6. Lloyds Bank Statements - noted

29/24 Policing Update

  1. PCC Fraud Pack, the offer had been shared on the website – Mrs Scott to add the link to Facebook to encourage individuals to apply for their packs.

30/24 Highways Matters

  1. Willow Grange – it was noted that work on removing the hedging had started.
  2. Flooding - as discussed above.  The Parish Council formally agreed to the removal of the streetlight. Mrs Scott to inform NKDC. It was agreed that the situation be reviewed after its removal to determine whether a replacement light would be necessary.
  3. Message to riparian owners, it was noted that some sections of the ditch were in good order. Mrs Scott was asked to draft a suitable letter, for approval and circulation to owners of problematic sections. It was suggested that where residents had difficulties, a group of volunteers could be asked to help. It was noted that the work would be part of the solution but not a total solution on its own. It was suggested that access for a small digger could be possible via the Charity Field but not during the current wet conditions.
  4. Potholes and surface deterioration on Fen Road. Cllr Ireland reported that, when he met with Rowan Smith from LCC in December, he had been informed that the additional Government funding received by LCC would enable more work and Fen Road, along with Main Street between the Phone Box and the Chestnuts, would now be due for re-surfacing within the next 2 years.

31/24 Broadband

  1. Take-up – as before, some who were waiting, to be advised to chase the company.
  2. Quickline Community Fund – it was noted that the Chapel was very keen to access the broadband and would be completing the necessary forms.

32/24 Planning Matters

  1. Planning Application 23/1021/FUL Development of a photovoltaic solar array (49.995MW export capacity) with associated grid corridor works, access improvements and ancillary development. Land South of Little Hale Drove Little Hale Fen – as discussed above, residents were encouraged to submit any comments via NKDC’s PlanningOnline website.
  2. Travellers on Little Hale Fen – Confirmation had been received from the NKDC Enforcement Team that a formal Enforcement Notice had been served, for the removal of the travellers themselves and all associated items, and to return the site completely to its original condition, within 13 months of the issue of the notice.

33/24 Planning Inspectorate

  1. Viking Link – no update
  2. Triton Knoll – no update
  3. Ecotricity, Heckington Fen - Solar Park – no update.
  4. Anglian Water Reservoirs Project – no update.
  5. Beacon Fen Solar Farm – no update.

34/24 CIL Funded Projects

  1. Sandbags – possible options had been shared; debate deferred.
  2. Contribution to the costs of upgrading culverts owned by residents was noted as a possibility but not debated.
  3. Contribution to Mr Pocklington’s pumping costs – it was noted that this was not within the remit of the CIL funding but could be made from unrestricted funds. Councillors agreed to contact Mr Pocklington to discuss the costs he had incurred.

35/24 Emergency Plan for Little Hale. Mrs Scott explained the nature of Emergency Plans and was asked to share local examples.

36/24 Defibrillator - Cllr Poulton kindly agreed to deliver the training on 24 March in the Chapel at 4.00pm, after the usual Sunday Service, to be advertised on the website and Facebook. It was agreed that this be offered free of charge, with donations towards the Defib fund.

37/24 Pump Lane - no update. It was noted that volunteers/contractors working on the site would be given formal permission to enter the site, to ensure no breaches of the access arrangements.

38/24 Bus Shelter Working Party/ Litter pick – It was agreed that this be re-arranged to Sunday 7th April, and advertised by the on-site signage, the website and Facebook.

39/24 Parish Council Communications

  1. Website – statistics were noted.

40/24 Event for 2024 – it was noted that this was now unlikely.

41/24 Matters for the next meeting – usual annual standing items, policies for agreement, Flooding, Solar Farm and Fen Road updates

42/24 The Dates of Meetings for 2023-24 – 7th May at 7.45pm, after the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm


The meeting closed at 9.20 pm.