Tuesday 5th November 2024 - Minutes
Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 5th November 2024 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Parish Cllrs S Poulton, J Stapleton, P Ireland and E Hill, one member of the public and Mrs D Scott (Clerk).
Prior to the meeting, Mr Broom, representing the Burial Board, spoke on behalf of the Trustees, explaining the difficulties they have faced in sourcing a grass cutting contractor to take on the Cemetery, and asking the Parish Council to consider accepting an invoice directly from Sleaford Town Council for a proportion of the 2025 Grass Cutting cost, and allowing for an increase in the budget for 2025-26.
110/24 Welcome – Cllr Poulton welcomed everyone to the meeting.
111/24 Apologies for absence – Cllr Ireland, for lateness. Cllr A Key (LCC) and Cllrs C Collard and S Tarry (NKDC)
112/24 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none
113/24 Notes of the previous meeting, on 3rd September 2024 – approved and signed.
114/24 Finance 2024-25
- Mrs Scott shared the financial statement. It was noted that payments made since the previous meeting had included the £35 Direct Debit to the ICO for the ongoing Data Protection Registration. The balance in the bank was £5,417.29. Mrs Scott explained that, of that, £2,136.36 was restricted to specific projects. Cllr Poulton checked the statement against the bank statement and signed off the reconciliation.
- Payments including Clerk £237.86 (September and October) including expenses. (reimbursement of travel, stationery etc), HMRC £56.40 (mth 8 due 19/12/24), were approved.
- Clerk’s contract. It was noted that the current pay fell below the original scale agreed when Mrs Scott started. It was agreed that the original scale be re-implemented at current NJC rates with effect from 1st November.
- Banking
- It was agreed that Cllr Jenkins be added as a signatory and online authorisations for all Councillors be set up in compliance with the Financial Regulations.
- It was noted that Lloyds Bank intended to introduce bank charges amounting to £4.25 per month from 14th January 2025, with other fees for transactions above a certain level. Mrs Scott was asked to investigate other banks that might be suitable.
115/24 Draft Budget 2025-26. Mrs Scott had shared a draft budget for discussion, to be finalised at the January 2025 meeting, once the tax-base was known. In addition to the increased grass cutting cost as advised by the Chair of the Burial Board in the Public Forum, a request had also been received from CAB. After discussion, it was agreed that the Cemetery cost would be included in the draft budget, but not the CAB donation.
116/24 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.
- Newsletters from LALC, LCC, NKDC, EA – noted.
- Updates from Cllr Tarry – noted and promoted on the website.
- HAVCS – invitation to AGM 20th November, 7 pm – noted.
- EA maintenance work notifications – noted.
- LCC Greater Lincolnshire Devolution progress through Government – noted.
- Lloyds Bank Statements – noted.
117/24 Policies for approval
- Risk Management Policy – deferred to next meeting.
118/24 Policing Update - none
119/24 Highways Matters
- Willow Grange – update on NKDC negotiations re breach of planning conditions re hedge obstructing highway. Mrs Scott was asked to contact NKDC for any update.
- Flooding – it was noted that the recent rain had not resulted in any standing water, which suggested that the lamppost removal work had been successful, but it was pointed out that the farmland upstream had also been quite dry at the time so had been able to absorb some of the water. In addition, extra work had been carried out at Parva Lodge. It was noted that further work may need to be carried out in the area of Pump Lane, and new occupiers of properties on Fen Road were aware of their responsibilities.
- Notifications of other highways work – Rowan Smith had confirmed that resurfacing work was still expected on Fen Road in the village in January 2025, but formal notification had not yet been received.
- Helpringham PC-led WhatsApp group re flooding/road closure updates – it was noted that Cllrs Jenkins and Ireland had both joined the group.
- LCC winter grit offer – It was noted that sufficient stocks were in hand, currently being stored by Mr and Mrs Rooke, so no further order needed to be place
120/24 Streetlights - Cllr Poulton asked that thanks be passed to Cllr Tarry for her efforts in resolving the lamppost issues. It was agreed in principle, subject to Cllr Poulton discussing with the nearby residents, that NKDC be asked to re-instate, at NKDC’s cost as offered, the lamppost previously removed after being damaged near 28 Fen Road. It was agreed that when doing the re-installation, NKDC be asked to check for any culverts in the area.
121/24 Broadband – the Chapel Treasurer confirmed that Broadband had been installed in the Chapel recently and was proving useful.
122/24 Planning Matters
- Planning Application 23/1021/FUL Development of a photovoltaic solar array (49.995MW export capacity) with associated grid corridor works, access improvements and ancillary development. Land South of Little Hale Drove Little Hale Fen – noted that Cllrs Ireland and Poulton had attended the NKDC Planning meeting earlier that evening, Cllr Ireland speaking against the application. They reported that the committee had supported the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application.
- Travellers on Little Hale Fen – ref Enforcement Notice issued by NKDC 19th January, to take effect from 20th February, compliance with conditions within 13 months maximum – it was noted that a second family had now been on site for some time.
- Planning Application 24/0894/PAR Change of Use from agricultural building to storage, The Chestnuts, Main Road – it was noted that this had been approved by NKDC.
- Planning Application 24/0311/EIASCR Proposed BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) south of Little Hale Fen – NKDC decision that Environmental Impact Screening not required – noted.
- Central Lincolnshire Local Plan - Design Code – it was noted that it was not known whether CLLP intended to proceed with this.
123/24 Planning Inspectorate
- Ecotricity, Heckington Fen - Solar Park – no update.
- Anglian Water – proposed Reservoir – a newsletter had been published.
- Beacon Fen North Solar Farm – no update.www.beaconfenenergypark.co.uk
124/24 CIL Funded Projects – Gateway signs were discussed. Cllr Poulton agreed to look into sources, Mrs Scott to check with Highways for the current guidance/criteria.
125/24 Defibrillator – Mrs Scott confirmed that ShockSleaford had now taken over ownership and management of the Defib and therefore ShockSleaford volunteers had taken over the checking of the Defib. Cllr Poulton would inform the Little Hale Defib volunteers and pass on the Council’s thanks to them.
The plan to install a new Defib on the Fen was still subject to negotiations between the farmer and ShockSleaford.
Mrs Scott reminded the Councillors that it held a restricted fund of £72.42 for the Defib. It was agreed that this be transferred to ShockSleaford as a donation.
Training - Cllr Poulton’s offer to provide training still stood. He suggested 16th November at the Chapel and would publish the details in a newsletter.
126/24 Pump Lane – As discussed above, work would be needed on the dyke, Cllr Ireland agreed to contact Mr Nickols.
127/24 Bus Shelter Working Party – Cllrs Poulton and Stapleton agreed to liaise about a date.
128/24 King’s Portrait. Mrs Scott reported that Parva House had agreed to host the King’s Portrait once the Parva House refurbishment was complete.
129/24 Parish Council Communications - Website – statistics were noted. Newsletter – Cllr Poulton shared a template he had developed which he would populate and share, including the heritage plaque, First Aid/Defib training and details of other Chapel dates.
130/24 Matters for the next meeting – Budget 2024-25, and usual annual standing items, Flooding, Solar Farm and Fen Road updates.
131/24 The Dates of Meetings for 2024-25 – as agreed, 7th January 2025, 4th March, all at 7.30 pm and 8th May at 7.45pm, after the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 9.15 pm.
Agreed as a correct record and signed by Cllr Poulton at the meeting on 7th January 2025