Tuesday 3rd September 2024 - Minutes
Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 3rd September 2024 at 7.35 pm.
Present: Parish Cllrs S Poulton, J Stapleton, P Ireland and E Hill, two members of the public and Mrs D Scott (Clerk)
89/24 Welcome – Cllr Poulton welcomed everyone to the meeting.
90/24 Apologies for absence – Cllr A Key (LCC) and Cllrs C Collard and S Tarry (NKDC)
91/24 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none
92/24 Co-option – Cllr Poulton introduced Steven Jenkins, explaining that he had expressed an interest in being co-opted. After discussion and checking that the other member of the public present was not also interested, it was agreed unanimously that Mr Jenkins be co-opted. Having signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office form, Cllr Jenkins took up his position as Councillor and agreed to complete the remaining paperwork.
93/24 Notes of the previous meeting, on 2nd July 2024 – approved and signed.
94/24 Finance 2024-25
- Mrs Scott shared the financial statement. It was noted that payments made since the previous meeting had included the £80 paid to the Chapel for room hire from July 2023 to July 2024 inclusive. The balance in the bank was £5,452.29. Mrs Scott explained that, of that, £2,136.36 was restricted to specific projects. Cllr Poulton checked the statement against the bank statement and signed off the reconciliation.
- Payments including Clerk £183.15 (July and August) including expenses (reimbursement of travel, stationery etc), HMRC £42.80 (mth 5 due 19/09/24), were approved
95/24 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.
- Updates from LALC, LCC, NKDC – noted.
- LCC Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultation (to 24th September) – noted.
- NKDC – Chief Executive’s letter – noted.
- NKDC invitation to ‘Prosperity, Potential, Planet: Solutions for Your Business – 12th September – noted.
- NKDC Community Champions Awards – In her report, Cllr Tarry had encouraged the Parish Council to submit nominations. Suitable nominees were discussed and Cllr Poulton agreed to submit a nomination before the closing date.
- Annual Canvass – Cllr Tarry had also asked Parish Councils to promote this to residents to ensure that all eligible residents were on the Electoral Register.
- LALC – invitation to EGM 12th September – Cllr Poulton would try to attend the Zoom meeting
- Request from a resident to provide supply of dog poo bags – after discussion, it was agreed to support the proposal. Cllr Poulton would contact the resident and make arrangements. The Clerk was authorised to order a supply of poo-bags, up to £20.00 as starter stock.
- Lloyds Bank Statements – noted.
96/24 Policies for approval
- Financial Regulations – new NALC model April 2024 - Mrs Scott explained the new provisions and the amendments to tailor the model policy to Little Hale. Key issues included the need for a Councillor to cross-check the bank reconciliations – it was agreed that this should be done at each regular meeting of the Parish Council. Mrs Scott explained that current good practice was for online transactions to be authorised by two signatories through online banking, rather than the single authorisation currently required and the new model policy endorsed this.
The Financial Regulations were adopted, with the practices brought into effect as soon as practically effective. It was agreed that Mrs Scott start the necessary arrangements with Lloyds for all Councillors to be given online access to the account. It was also agreed at this stage that Cllr Jenkins be added to the mandate as a signatory. Mrs Scott to bring the paperwork, to add Cllr Jenkins and create online access for all LH Parish Councillors, to the next meeting for signing.
- Protocol for Public Participation Sessions – Cllr Poulton had researched other Council’s policies and produced a draft which was shared at the meeting. With a few minor amendments the Policy was adopted. Cllr Poulton to send an electronic version to Mrs Scott.
97/24 Policing Update
- PCC newsletter - noted
98/24 Highways Matters
- Willow Grange – it was noted that the conifer trees/hedge removal continued.
- Flooding, lamppost removal etc - it was noted that further work had been done on the drainage culvert on Chapel Lane which had allegedly been damaged some years ago during the installation of a sewer pipe. It was understood that the culvert had been compromised in three places with other obstructions including an overgrown silt trap and a collapsed pipe full of roots. The obstructions had been removed and the damaged pipework had been repaired.
Regarding the ditch behind the properties on Fen Road and Chapel Lane, it was noted that it had not been possible to take up Mr Nickol’s kind offer to dig it out due to the alleged newts discovery, but it was understood he may have capacity in November if the ground conditions were suitable. It was agreed that, in the meantime, those residents who were able to clean out their sections should be encouraged to do so.
Councillors had been disappointed that no one had been on site to witness the removal of the lamppost and the reinstatement work on that section of the culvert. It was noted that the next heavy/prolonged rainfall would be the test of the work’s effectiveness. It was also suggested that a landowner further upstream had some responsibility as his super-effective field drainage could be seen to be increasing the flow and volume of water entering the village system beyond its capacity.
- Lampposts – Cllr Tarry had reported that she was still chasing NKDC for the information on the Fen Road Lamppost which had disappeared and a map of the streetlight locations, for cross-checking.
- Fen Road Re-surfacing – It was noted that this was still scheduled for the new year, but no definite dates had been shared by LCC yet.
99/24 Broadband – the Chapel Treasurer reported that he had submitted the community benefit application and the outcome was expected in October. It was noted that the Quickline project did not extend to properties on the Fen yet so lobbying for that was still important.
100/24 Planning Matters
- Planning Application 23/1021/FUL Development of a photovoltaic solar array (49.995MW export capacity) with associated grid corridor works, access improvements and ancillary development. Land South of Little Hale Drove Little Hale Fen – noted further information regarding Land Use Classification had been posted on PlanningOnline.
- Travellers on Little Hale Fen – ref Enforcement Notice issued by NKDC 19th January, to take effect from 20th February, compliance with conditions within 13 months maximum – no update.
- Planning Application 24/0894/PAR Change of Use from agricultural building to storage, The Chestnuts, Main Road – Councillors were concerned about what would be stored at the site but agreed they had no objection to the application.
- Planning Application 24/0311/EIASCR Proposed BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) south of Little Hale Fen – NKDC decision that Environmental Impact Screening not required – noted.
- Planning Application 24/0448/HOUS - Apply render to front elevation and replace UPVC closed porch with open oak porch. Maple House, Chapel Lane NG34 9BE – noted approved by NKDC 22nd July 2024
101/24 Planning Inspectorate
- Ecotricity, Heckington Fen - Solar Park – no update.
- Anglian Water – proposed Reservoir – Cllr Tarry’s report had included links to the consultation reports. Several of those present had attended consultation meetings. ww.lincsreservoir.co.uk
- Beacon Hill North Solar Farm – no update.www.beaconfenenergypark.co.uk
102/24 CIL Funded Projects – see Defib item below.
103/24 Defibrillator – Cllr Poulton reported that he had installed the ‘heritage number’ plaque in the Phone Box.
Mrs Scott explained that she had had further emails with Neil Freeman of ShockSleaford about taking over the village defib and adding a further one on the Fen. Mr Freeman had sent details of the proposed deal and these had been shared with Councillors. She confirmed that ShockSleaford would be happy to take on ownership and responsibility for the village defib, including regular reporting and all repairs/replacements as necessary and would register it with The Circuit, the BHF system linked to the Ambulance Services. This would not affect the Parish Council’s ownership and use of the Phone Box as a Book Swap and the agreement with BT would remain in place for the supply of electricity to the Defib. Any installation of a new defib would be an agreement directly between ShockSleaford and the owner/person responsible for the location. It was noted that once they had taken it on, ShockSleaford would be committed to keeping it going in Little Hale. Mrs Scott was asked to check what would happen if ShockSleaford ceased to exist for any reason. Subject to a satisfactory answer to that, it was agreed that the agreement be made for the Phone Box Defib to be transferred to ShockSleaford. Mrs Scott to put Mr Freeman in touch with Mr Nickols. Mrs Scott to inform CHT and thank them for their support in the past. Cllr Poulton to speak to the LH Defib volunteers.
Training - It was noted that ShockSleaford did not provide training sessions but had explanatory videos on their website. Cllr Poulton’s offer to provide training still stood. He agreed to share a date in the next newsletter.
104/24 Pump Lane – Thanks to Mrs Rooke for her ongoing grass-cutting work.
105/24 Bus Shelter Working Party – it was noted that this had been cancelled.
106/24 King’s Portrait. Mrs Scott reported that she had approached Parva House and the local committee was very keen to host the Portrait, however the final decision rested with the county committee and a decision was awaited.
107/24 Parish Council Communications - Website – statistics were noted. Newsletter – Cllr Poulton agreed to organise, to cover flooding updates, reminders to keep dykes/ditches clear, heritage plaque, First Aid/Defib training.
108/24 Matters for the next meeting – Budget 2024-25, and usual annual standing items, Flooding, Solar Farm and Fen Road updates.
109/24 The Dates of Meetings for 2024-25 – as agreed, 5th November, 7th January 2025, 4th March, all at 7.30 pm and 8th May at 7.45pm, after the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 9.23 pm.
Agreed as a correct record and signed by Cllr Poulton at the meeting on 5th November 2024