5th July 2021 - Minutes


Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Monday 5th July 2021 at 7.40 pm.


Present: Cllrs S Poulton, P Ireland, A Lennox, and N Rooke, Mrs D Scott (Clerk)

60/21 Welcome - Cllr Poulton welcomed all to the meeting and apologised for the late start.

61/21 Apologies for absence – Cllr J Stapleton, Cllr S Tarry (NKDC) Cllr A Key (LCC). Cllr Key had sent an update on his work with LCC, which was shared with Councillors.

62/21 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none.

63/21 Notes of the previous meeting, 5th May 2021 – approved and signed.

64/21 Annual Parish Meeting – Mrs Scott explained that the time-frame for the APM had now passed but national advice was that if a parish wished to hold an APM, any decisions were likely to be treated as valid. Councillors had heard no requests for an APM and therefore agreed to leave it until next year, to coincide with the date of the Annual Meeting.  If required, a Parish Meeting could be called sooner, if requested by the electorate under the Local Government Act 1972.

65/21 Finance 2020-21 – It was noted that the Auditors had confirmed receipt of the Certificate of Exemption; the period of Public Rights to inspect the Accounts was from 14th June to 23rd July and this had been advertised on the website and on the notice board.

66/21 Finance 2021-22

i. Mrs Scott had shared copies of transactions to date. It was noted that there had been no income since the last meeting, but £40 had been brought to the meeting by Cllr Ireland, being donations in respect of the use of the gazebo, to be banked. The balance at Lloyds was £2,912.64, before this evening’s transactions. The balance included £473.22 of restricted funds.

ii. Payments were approved for the Clerk £155.58 by cheque (June and July), and HMRC £38.80 (mth 4 due 19/8/21) and HMHP Burial Board £100.00 (contribution to grass cutting costs), both by Transfer.

67/21 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.

  1. Updates from LCC, NKDC, YMCA – noted
  2. LALC e-news - noted.
  3. Environment Agency – grass cutting information - noted.
  4. LCC Bus Service update - noted.
  5. LCC Community Strategy – consultation to 9th July – it was agreed that no formal comment be submitted but those present could reply as individuals.
  6. NKDC Gambling Policy – consultation to 23rd Aug – as above.
  7. NKDC Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV) Licensing policy – consultation to 23rd Aug – as above.
  8. Lloyds Bank Statements – noted.
  9. Cllr Lennox brought a card she’d received from Mrs Strong thanking the Chairman for the gifts.

68/21 Policing Update – No direct response had been received from the local team but the PCC’s office had sent information about recruiting young people for the Youth Commission and the Assistant Chief Constable had written an update on the workings of Neighbourhood Policing.  Cllr Poulton had not yet been able to source the Speed car-stickers, previously advertised, but would keep looking out for some.

69/21 Highways Matters

Comments had been received from residents concerned that the item on the website about the advisory one-way system read as if it was compulsory. On checking, it was confirmed that it only suggested it might be better if everyone followed the route, which seemed acceptable.

Potholes – it was noted that some potholes on Fen Road looked as though they’d been marked for repair but not all. Others had been part-filled on the corner of Main Road near the junction with Chapel Lane but again incomplete. Councillors and residents were encouraged to report any remaining, or new ones, via Fix My Street.

Village gateways – a resident had mentioned that these were used in other villages. It was understood that the local highway team didn’t recommend them and, after discussion, Councillors felt that they wouldn’t be helpful in Little Hale.

70/21 Flooding – There was no update on the work planned for clearing the dyke, or about the re-routing the culvert around the lamp-post on Main Road.

71/21 Broadband – Cllr Ireland reported that Quickline had informed him that they were now waiting for the BDUK Vouchers to be released so that they could start work; this was expected shortly. From an OnLincolnshire update, it seemed that BT would be moving towards satellite/wireless instead of fibre in future which would increase the competition and potentially reduce prices in that sector.

72/21 Planning Matters

  1. Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Team had shared a consultation document, which unfortunately had arrived too late for proper consideration. As with the earlier consultations listed above, it was agreed that individual comments could be submitted.
  2. Planning Applications – Application 21/0685/FUL Erection of 2 storey detached dwelling, 14 Fen Road NG34 9BD – (deadline extended to 5th July). Cllrs considered the proposal, along with feedback from residents and other comments on Planning Online. It was agreed that there were concerns about potentially increasing on-street parking at an existing pinch point in the village and concerns about the hedge blocking visibility. Mrs Scott was asked to submit comments accordingly and suggest a condition to keep the hedge down to 1.2 metre.

73/21 Planning Inspectorate –

  1. Viking Link – Cllr Ireland reported that he’d heard nothing back since replying to their offer to meet to talk about Pump Lane, he would follow it up. 
  2. Triton Knoll – No update

74/21 Phone Box and Community Defibrillator – it was noted that checks were ongoing. Mr Freeman had stepped down from the checking rota but Mrs Kime had kindly agreed to join the group. Mrs Scott was asked to write and thank Mr & Mrs Freeman for their work since the defib was installed. It was noted that one set of pads was due to expire at the end of this month, Cllr Rooke agreed to place the order and Mrs Scott was authorised to make the payment if needed before the next meeting.

Training - Cllr Poulton explained that the First Aid/Defib training could now take place, with limited numbers (based on the amount of equipment available) and it was felt that the Chapel would be a suitable venue.  The idea had been mentioned on Facebook, Mrs Scott was asked to add to the website to see how much interest there might be. The focus would be on Recovery, Resuscitation and Defib, but he would be prepared to answer wider First Aid questions if necessary.

Repainting – Mrs Scott had not been able to retrieve the paint from Mr Clark, but Cllr Ireland had sourced red paint. Cllr Poulton agreed to find some gold paint for the detail and volunteers were standing by to do the work.

75/21 Dog Fouling – not too many problems.

76/21 Land at Pump Lane – Cllr Poulton had fixed signs as agreed, one ‘No Entry’ and the other explaining the Council’s plans and asking for volunteers. Residents had already stepped forward to help and offer donations of trees, etc. It was agreed that the area should be seeded with grass, after cultivating. Cllr Ireland offered to do the cultivating, if possible, before harvest. Cllr Poulton would follow up the offers of help.

Mrs Scott had investigated the Lincolnshire Environmental Award funding, but the project didn’t seem to be eligible.

77/21 Litter Picking – Mrs Scott had checked online for equipment but it was difficult to see the quality/durability. It was agreed that NKDC’s kit be requested for the next clean-up, probably October/November, to be agreed at the next meeting.

78/21 Parish Council Communications

  1. Website – Mrs Scott asked for any more photographs for the website and would check whether stats were available yet for visitors to the website, etc. Info re First Aid course to be added.
  2. Newsletters – no update

78/21 Matters for the next meeting – Policies, Litter Pick date

79/21 The Dates of Meetings for 2020-21, at 7.30pm, as agreed, 7th Sept, 2nd Nov, 4th Jan 2022, 1st Mar, 3rd May

The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.

Agreed at the meeting held on 7th September 2021 and signed by Cllr A Lennox