1st March 2022 - Minutes
Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Cllrs S Poulton, N Rooke, P Ireland, A Lennox and J Stapleton, Mrs D Scott (Clerk) Cllr Andrew Key (LCC),
22/22 Welcome – Cllr Poulton welcomed all to the meeting.
23/22 Apologies for absence –Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden (NKDC),
24/22 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none
25/22 Notes of the previous meeting, 11th January 2022 – approved and signed.
26/22 Finance 2021-22
i. Mrs Scott had shared copies of transactions to date. The balance at Lloyds was £1980.52, before this evening’s transactions. The balance included restricted funds of £501.22.
ii. Payments were approved for the Clerk £161.63 by cheque (February and March), and HMRC £38.80 (mth 11 due 19/03/22), by transfer. Cllr Poulton checked the bank reconciliations. A further reimbursement for Cllr Poulton would be made at the next meeting. Payment of the LALC subscription for 2022-23 was agreed, by transfer.
27/22 Finance 2022-23
Mrs Scott reported that she had submitted the Precept form to NKDC and received an acknowledgement.
28/22 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence, previously shared by email.
- Updates from LCC, NKDC, YMCA - noted
- LALC e-news – noted.
- Boundary Commission for England – consultation – noted
- LCC Bus Service update - noted
- NHS CGS Consultation – noted. Mrs Scott to forward the recent one on nuclear medicine.
- Petition for remote meetings become an option – see www.change.org . Councillors who hadn’t already signed agreed to look at the petition
- Citizen’s Advice Bureau – after discussion, agreed unable to contribute this time.
- Lloyds Bank Statements - noted
29/22 Policing Update – the Community Policing newsletter had been circulated. Cllr Stapleton had suffered an opportunist theft of scrap from his property. Cllr Poulton urged everyone to report any incidents, however minor, to the police as the information could be valuable to other cases. He welcomed reports to him personally which he would forward on.
30/22 Highways Matters
Salt/Grit - Cllr Rooke reported that the salt had been delivered as promised.
Road Closure signs – Cllr Key reported that the work planned for 10th March was the scheduled re-surfacing work as listed in the recent road closure notification. He had spoken with Highways and was able to confirm that the work was within the 2021/22 Highways budget and had to be spent before the end of March. Those present thanked Cllr Key for his efforts on this and agreed that, although it would be a shame to then dig up the road for the culvert works, the work on resurfacing was long overdue and would be very welcome.
Culvert works – it was noted that various paint marks had appeared on the road, so hopefully the work would be underway soon.
Potholes on Fen Road – Cllr Rooke reported that she continued to report them to ‘Fix My Street’. Cllr Key reiterated the importance of doing so.
31/22 Broadband – Cllr Ireland reported that there was no update. Cllr Poulton agreed to contact BT via their website for any plans.
32/ 22 Planning Matters
- 22/0026/HOUS 11 Fen Road - Proposed demolition of existing single-storey rear extension and erection of a 1.5 storey rear extension, internal alterations and replacement windows/front door – it was noted that the deadline for comments had been extended to March. After discussion, and noting the neighbours’ concerns, it was agreed that there was no objection on planning grounds. Mrs Scott to submit the comment.
33/22 Planning Inspectorate –
- Viking Link – No update
- Triton Knoll – No update
It was noted that despite Great Hale Fen being upgraded for haulage to the cable route, several stone trucks had been seen on Little Hale Fen (2 or 3 per day for 3 to 4 days recently) to the detriment of the road. Cllr Ireland would confirm with Mr Needham and report back to Cllr Key.
- Heckington Solar Farm – No update
34/22 Phone Box and Community Defibrillator
Reporting – ongoing, thanks to the volunteer group
Incident – Mrs Scott reported that she had contacted EMAS and CHT the previous week and was assured that the matter was still under investigation. A response had been promised but not yet received.
Defib/ First Aid training – the session on 22nd January had been very successful – Cllr Key reported that Great Hale residents had been very appreciative.
Electrical Installation at the Phone Box – Mrs Scott to check the requirements for testing, etc.
35/22 Dog Fouling – nothing to report
36/22 Land at Pump Lane – Cllr Poulton reported that the donated fruit trees would be planted out shortly. He suggested that they be planted at the far end of the plot and this was agreed.
The application to Lincolnshire Coop Community Champions was discussed and Mrs Scott was asked to submit it. She thanked Councillors for providing their Divi card numbers in support of the application.
37/22 Litter Picking – a new date of 24 April, from 10 am to noon, was agreed. Cllr Rooke was happy to receive the kit from NK, Cllr Poulton agreed to promote on Facebook and Cllr Ireland to put out signage nearer the time. Mrs Scott to add to website and request the use of the kit from NKDC again.
38/22 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022. Cllr Key reported on Great Hale’s plans for the Saturday and Sunday. After discussion it was agreed that a garden fete/picnic at Cllr Ireland’s home on Friday 3rd June would be arranged – working group of Councillors to meet separately. Cllr Rooke and Ireland would speak to musician contacts.
39/22 Parish Council Communications
- Website – Mrs Scott had shared the link to the website stats.
- Emails – LALC had recently advised that all Parish Councillors should have professional looking email addresses preferably linked to the Parish Council, to ensure security in official communications with residents and other third parties. After discussion, it was agreed that current Councillors’ emails were suitable and any official sensitive communication would be through the Clerk’s email address.
40/22 Matters for the next meeting – Queen’s Jubilee event, meeting dates for 2022-23.
Annual Parish Meeting (3rd May) to precede the Annual Meeting and resume the pre-covid format. Mrs Scott to invite the Burial Board and the Charities to present their annual reports.
41/22 The Dates of Meetings for 2021-22, at 7.30pm, as agreed, 3rd May.
Cllr Key informed the meeting that Anglian Water was now offering help to residents struggling to pay their water bills, more information available on www.anglianwater.co.uk
The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.
Agreed at the meeting held on 3rd May 2022 and signed by Cllr S Poulton