15th October 2020 Minutes
Notes of the extra Meeting of the Parish Council held using Zoom on Thursday 15th October 2020 at 7.00 pm.
Present: Cllrs P Ireland, N Rooke, A Lennox and J Stapleton, Mrs D Scott (Clerk). Cllr Sally Tarry (NKDC)
106/20 Welcome - Cllr Ireland welcomed all to the meeting
107/20 Apologies for absence – Cllr S Poulton, and Cllr S Ogden (NKDC)
108/20 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none
109/20 Planning Matters
Planning Applications – see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline
- 20/1256/HOUS 19 Fen Road NG34 9BD Erection of front porch and pitched roof over garage. After discussion it was agreed unanimously to support the application. Clerk to reply to NKDC.
It was also noted that the developers of Pots 1 and 2 on Fen Road, applications recently approved by NKDC, had asked for discharge of conditions relating to archaeology and trees. The Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire and NKDC’s Tree Officer had responded, no further action required.
110/20 Autumn Clean Up – It was noted that NKDC had delivered the litter-pick kit plus bags to Cllr Rooke’s house. Concerns were expressed about the impact of Covid-19 on the event and it was agreed that sensible precautions, as always, would be taken, including reminding participants at the beginning about social distancing and what to do on finding any hazardous items. Mrs Scott to draft and share a Risk Assessment.
111/20 Matters for the next meeting – as above
112/20 The Dates of Meetings for 2020-21, at 7.30pm
3rd Nov, 5th Jan 2021, 2nd Mar, 4th May (Annual Meeting, Annual Parish Meeting)
The meeting closed at 7.14 pm.
3rd November 2020 - the Minutes were agreed as a true record and were signed by Cllr Paul Ireland