12th May 2020 Minutes


Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held using Zoom on Tuesday 12th May 2020 at 7.05 pm.


Present: Cllrs P Ireland, A Lennox, S Poulton, N Rooke and J Stapleton, Mrs D Scott (Clerk). Cllrs Sally Tarry and Stewart Ogden (NKDC)

61/20 Welcome and apologies for absence – Cllr Ireland welcomed all to the meeting; there were no apologies.

62/20 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – the Clerk reported that applications for dispensation had been received, from Cllrs Ireland and Rooke, in respect of the planning applications 20/0542/FUL and 20/0544/FUL. Dispensations had been granted.

63/20 Planning Matters

Planning Applications – see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline

  1. 20/0276/FUL 10 Fen Road retrospective re Stable Unit and Tack Room – it was noted that the  Council’s response that it had no comment to make had been submitted 5th May. NKDC decision awaited
  2. 20/0542/FUL Plot 1 Land Off Fen Road Little Hale Sleaford Lincs (the westernmost of the two  plots). After discussion it was noted that the ‘site plan and visuals’ provided on the website seemed to have been mismatched, as the description for this application referred to an integrated garage, but the ‘site plan and visuals’ clearly showed a detached garage. Councillors were concerned about the fate of the existing shed/barn and felt this could possibly have been incorporated as a garage, rather than demolished. Councillors also noted the amount of new hardstanding and asked that consideration be given to porous surfacing to enable effective soakaway as there had been incidents of surface water flooding nearby. Overall it was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously, to support the proposal, subject to the above concerns.  
  3. 20/0544/FUL Plot 2 Land Off Fen Road Little Hale Sleaford Lincs (the easternmost of the two plots) Councillors noted the inconsistency between the title and ‘the site plan and visuals’ again with the former referring to a detached garage and the latter showing an integral garage for this application. Councillors noted the Tree Officer’s comment. Comments about the hardstanding and preference for porous materials to allow effective soakaway applied to this application to minimise the chance of further surface water flooding, as well, but it was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously, to support the proposal, subject to that concern.

64/20 Finance 2020-21

  1. It was proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously that the  payment of the Insurance Premium (£228.92) due 1st June 2020 be made by transfer.

65/20 Matters for the next meeting – standing items

66/20 The Dates of Meetings for 2020-21, at 7.30pm, as agreed at the Annual Meeting

6th July (Monday), 1st Sept, 3rd Nov, 5th Jan 2021, 2nd Mar, 4th May,

The meeting closed at 7.35 pm

6th July 2020 - The Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by Cllr Paul Ireland