5th May 2020 Minutes - Annual Meeting
Notes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held virtually using Zoom on Tuesday 5th May 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Cllrs P Ireland, S Poulton, N Rooke and J Stapleton, Mrs D Scott (Clerk).
No members of the public had requested details to join the meeting.
43/20 Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Clerk explained that the current regulations in respect of Covid-19 allowed for this item to be deferred to the Annual Meeting in May 2021. After discussion it was agreed unanimously that Cllr Ireland and Cllr Poulton would continue in their respective roles and Chairman and Vice-Chairman for the next 12 months. Cllr Ireland welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone present for getting to grips with the technology.
44/20 Apologies for Absence – Cllrs Sally Tarry and Stewart Ogden (NKDC)
45/20 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none.
46/20 The notes of the Parish Council Meeting, held on 3rd March 2020: it was agreed unanimously that these were an accurate record. Arrangements were made for signing the papers.
47/20 Annual Parish Meeting (meeting of electors) – it was noted that the current regulations for virtual meetings did not extend to Annual Parish Meetings, but as it was now illegal to convene public meetings, it could be deferred until after the restrictions were lifted.
48/20 Finance 2019-20
- To receive the Internal Auditor’s Report – Mrs Gascoyne’s report, with no concerns, had been shared prior to the meeting and was noted.
- Exemption Certificate 2019-20 for submission to the External Auditor – it was agreed unanimously that this be approved.
- Statement of Governance for the year ending 31st March 2020 – it was agreed unanimously that this be approved.
- Statement of Parish Council Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2020 – it was agreed unanimously that this be approved.
Arrangements were made for the papers to be signed by the Clerk/RFO and the Chairman.
It was noted that the period for the exercise of public rights had been set as 15th June to 24th July 2020 and that any enquiries would be dealt with in accordance with the national guidelines for social distancing etc., in effect at the time. The Auditor was already operating to deferred timetables as agreed between the Government and NALC.
It was also noted that the end of year balance at the bank, £883.03, included restricted funds for the Defib of £407.22 and the Community Building Fund of £35.40.
49/20 Finance 2020-21 - The Clerk had circulated updated financial statements
- Payments authorised between meetings - none.
- Bank Balance, before this meeting’s payments, was £2983.03, including the Precept of £2100 received from NKDC on 3rd April.
- Payments were approved for Clerk £157.70 (April and May plus expenses (reimbursement of travel, stationery etc)), HMRC £35.20 (mth 2 due 19/06/20), LALC subscription £76.27, Mrs Gascoyne Internal Audit fee £40, Hale Magna and Hale Parva Burial Board contribution towards Grass cutting £100.
Arrangements were made to sign Mrs Scott’s cheque, but the others were authorised for payment by transfer.
It was also noted that the Insurance premium would be due on 1st April, but no renewal notice had yet been received. Councillors agreed not to subscribe to the LALC Annual Training Scheme, but to pay for any training as and when taken.
- LIVES – a request for funding had been received. The Clerk reported that she had shared the request with the Little Hale Charities who had advised that they were concentrating on supporting individuals within the parish. Councillors felt that, although LIVES provided a valuable service across the county, it was not a good use of the Parish Council’s limited public funds. It was suggested that the Clerk publish the request on the website for residents to consider personal donations.
50/20 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence received
- Covid-19 updates from LCC, NKDC. LALC and LRF – shared regularly.
- Update from the independent Little Hale Covid-19 Group – Cllr Ireland commended the work of the volunteers and it was noted that a valuable support network had been established as well as new channels for general community engagement. Cllr Lennox reported that she had completed the insurance documents provided by LCC for the group but there were forms for individual volunteers to complete which she would print and circulate.
- Lloyds Bank Statements – noted.
- Cllr Lennox asked if a request from the Heckington Community Larder for help could be considered. After discussion it was noted that this had already supported some LH parishioners, but Councillors felt that support could be better given by facilitating donations from parishioners. Cllr Lennox agreed to looking into making a box available for items to be left, to save donors a trip to Heckington Hall. In the Parish Council’s signposting role it was also suggested that the Larder contact the Little Hale Charities. The Clerk would also add the poster to the website.
51/20 Policing – No update
52/20 Highways Matters
- Fen Road – Councillors reported that the potholes on Fen Road had been filled and further work with chippings was planned for the summer
- Junction Burton Lane and the Helpringham Road out of Burton – it was noted that the road surface had been repaired but was already breaking up again – Clerk to report to Highways.
- Flooding – it was noted that the currently lower water levels exposed the silting up of the dyke behind the phone box and the Clerk was asked to remind Highways that it would be a good time to look at clearing the dyke in readiness for the next heavy rainfall. Councillors Ireland and Poulton would check the state of the dyke behind the houses, although it was noted that sections of it had now been cleared by residents.
53/20 Broadband Update – Cllr Ireland reported that he’d had contact from two companies offering to install fibre in the village with no initial cost but a commitment to a monthly contract going forward.
It was noted that another resident had been notified that he would have fibre installed on 1st June, but Councillors were sceptical and felt that this couldn’t be fibre to the door. There was a strong feeling that increasingly people were now using mobile/satellite/wireless internet connections and that would be the way forward.
54/20 Planning Matters –20/0376/FUL, (Retrospective) Stable Unit and Tack Room, 10 Fen Road, NG34 9BD. The Clerk confirmed that NKDC had allowed an extension to the deadline for comments. After discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Council had no comment to make.
It was also noted that two new applications had been received too late for the agenda. It was agreed that an extra meeting of the Parish Council be convened for 12th May at 7.00 pm to discuss the applications.
55/20 Planning Inspectorate Matters
- Viking Link Interconnector Project – the Clerk reported that she had received a copy of the Viking Link Community Matters newsletter 02 which she would share with all.
- Triton Knoll – no further update.
56/20 Community Defibrillator – it was noted that weekly checks were still ongoing. Cllr Poulton apologised for minor reporting delays but confirmed that he was still keen to provide First Aid/Defib training sessions once the current restrictions were lifted. A problem was also noted with the Phone Box light which could be make access to the Defib difficult in the dark. Cllr Ireland had received a quote from an electrician to replace the current lighting with an LED light, with battery back-up, to solve the problem. It was agreed that the cost, £55, should be met from the Defib funds. Cllr Ireland to confirm the works with the electrician as soon as possible.
57/20 Dog Fouling – no reports.
58/20 Land at Pump Lane. Cllr Poulton had designed ‘No Entry’ notices for the entrance to the land, which were agreed. He would print and erect the notices as soon as possible. It was agreed that the Parish Council authorised access to the plot, for Councillors themselves, employees, volunteers and anyone contracted by the Parish Council to work on the plot, so that tidying up and maintenance could be carried out, without prejudicing the Parish Council’s claim to the land.
59/20 Matters for the next meeting – It was noted that plans for the VE Day event on 8th May had been affected by the Covid-19 restrictions, but it may be appropriate to investigate an event for VJ Day (15th August UK, 2nd September USA)
60/20 Dates of Next Meetings: for 2020-21 at 7.30pm, Tuesday 12th May (as agreed above), 6th July (Monday), 1st Sept, 3rd Nov, 5th Jan 2021, 2nd Mar, 4th May,
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm
6th July 2020 - The Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by Cllr Paul Ireland