8th January 2019 Minutes

Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at The Chapel, Little Hale on Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 7.48 pm.

Present: Cllrs N Rooke, P Ireland, D Cox J Stapleton and S Poulton, and Mrs D Scott (Clerk) and three members of the public.

Members of the public attending the Public Forum raised questions about the recent road closures and traffic problems with HGVs particularly mounting the pavement to pass each other especially on Fen Rd, leading to the risk of injury to pedestrians or damage to property.  Those present discussed the issues including the question of the Parish Council supporting residents’ use of planters etc, to prevent the vehicles encroaching on the pavements, or revisiting the request to Highways to enforce the currently advisory one-way system and preventing on-street parking.  It was noted that some of the issues had been predicted in response to fairly recent planning applications. It was agreed that the issues would be discussed further later in the meeting.

1/19 Cllr Rooke welcomed all to the meeting.

2/19 Apologies for Absence – Cllr Sally Tarry (NKDC)

3/19 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none

4/19 The notes of the Parish Council Meeting, held on 6th November 2018: Proposed by Cllr Ireland, seconded by Cllr Cox and agreed unanimously, that these were an accurate record.  

5/19 Finance 2018-19.

  1. The Clerk circulated updated financial statements, showing a balance of £2155.69, in the Lloyds account before this meeting’s payments. She pointed out that this included restricted sums of £673.22 (Defib), £35.40 (Community Building) and now £682.00 (War Memorial Fund).
  2. The following payments were approved: Clerk (October & November) plus expenses (reimbursement of travel) £156.95, HMRC (mth 10 due 19/02/19, to be paid by bank transfer) £35.40.  It was also noted that a payment of approximately £130 was due for the hire of the Chapel for the 2017 and 2018 meetings and this was approved for payment by transfer. At the last meeting a payment to HAVCS had been approved, amount to be agreed and this was confirmed for payment as £20.00.

6/19 Finance 2019-20

The Clerk referred to the set of draft budget figures circulated at the last meeting. Information about when the precept information had been shared. It was noted that by the end of 2018-19 the Council’s unrestricted reserves would be very low, the precept increases recently having been kept to the minimum. It was noted that NKDC had suggested that a Parish with less than 1000 electors should set aside £2000 for a contested election but Cllrs felt that it was not realistic to more than double the precept. In order to make some provision towards potential election costs in the summer, on top of the Parish Council’s normal expenditure, it was proposed by Cllr Ireland, seconded by Cllr Cox and agreed unanimously that the precept be set at £2,000.00, meaning a Band D Council Tax of £26.40, an increase of £3.95 over the current year.

7/19 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.

  1. NKDC – Register of Electors – copies for Councillors – Cllrs asked that Mrs Scott collect the hard copies from NKDC on their behalf.
  2. NKDC - Review of North Kesteven Member Code of Conduct - noted
  3. NKDC re WPD re Winter Resilience Committee - noted
  4. NKDC re The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 - noted
  5. LALC Newsletter 167 -noted
  6. NKDC Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy- noted
  7. LCC/LALC re funding event at Wilsford 29th January - noted
  8. Lloyds Bank Statement – noted

8/19 Policing Update – none. Cllr Ireland advised the meeting that the Neighbour Alert system had sent several messages over Christmas about scam calls and emails that were trying to obtain personal details, e.g. bank accounts and passwords. All to be aware.

9/19 Highways Matters – it was pointed out that the Parish Council had no authority over highways matters but could and did act on behalf of residents in raising issues with LCC, the highways authority.

  1. Roadworks – As discussed earlier, residents had concerns about the number of ‘road closures’ recently but it was acknowledged that this was unusual, the AW works on Main Street being due to a private development and the works on Fen Road being parts of an on-going WPD project. A resident had also mentioned the closure earlier that day of Hale Road in Heckington but it was pointed out that this was unavoidable due to a fatal RTA giving Police authority to close the road to deal with it. Whilst the planned closures had been inconvenient, Cllrs had been impressed by the contractors’ and Highways’ responses in particular regarding Main Street, when the problems had been reported.
  2. Obstructions – As discussed earlier, Councillors acknowledged that the advisory one-way system was being ignored by many vehicles, possibly due to changes of drivers or the problems encounter with parked vehicles on Chapel Lane. The idea of asking for a mandatory one-way system (which would have to apply to all vehicles) was considered but Councillors felt that local residents would still object to it as before.

(A short break was taken to allow further public participation.)

Other suggestions were made including asking farms and residents on the Fen to remind any delivery drivers and contractors to take the Chapel Lane route, asking Highways to erect a larger sign, possibly a bit further down the Fen, directing traffic left at the top of the Fen, reminding residents not to park causing an obstruction and/or asking Highways to create a passing place outside Rock House on Fen Road. It was agreed that the Parish Council’s focus should be to try and find solutions by raising the issues with Highways. Mrs Scott was asked to write to Highways about the complaints and asking for representation at the next meeting and/or a site visit. She would also provide residents with contact details for LCC Highways.

  1. LCC Highways – verge cutting 2019 – after discussion it was agreed that the sum offered was not enough to consider taking on the responsibility.

10/19 Broadband – Cllr Ireland reported that he had hand-delivered over 80 questionnaires to residents and received 23 back, with 21 keen to go ahead with the broadband scheme. He had requested an estimate from BT Community Fibre Broadband scheme several weeks ago and had been promised a reply shortly. Once received he would be looking at completing the application for funding.

11/19 Planning Matters – see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline

  1. 18/1501/HOUS 14 Main Road NG34 9BA Installation of external insulation with a render finish to existing property - noted approved by NKDC 17th December 2018
  2. Boston Borough Council South East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2011-2036: Further Main Modifications Consultation – comments by 14th January – no comment

12/19 Planning Inspectorate Matters

  1. Viking Link Interconnector Project – no further update
  2. Triton Knoll – no further update

13/19 Community Defibrillator – Checks continued. It was noted that the battery would be due for replacement in May, at a cost of between £80 and £100. It was agreed that the order should be placed with CHT nearer the time

14/19 Dog Fouling – Only minor problems reported. The bins were being used but it was noted that the new bin on Main Road still wasn’t being left correctly after emptying. Mrs Scott to contact NKDC again.

15/19 WWI commemorations – the event held on 11th November had been very well received, organisers and helpers were congratulated and thanked. The sum of £862 had been raised with a later donation of £18 (currently being held by the Chair of the Burial Board) also received. It was noted that the Burial Board had received a further donation of £74 from Mr Weston following an Art Exhibition and the Little Hale Charities had also pledged a contribution. The Burial Board was still awaiting news of its application to the War Memorial Trust. As the projected had been instigated by Little Hale residents, the Parish Council agreed to take the lead on organising the works, funded from the various sources, using its powers under the War Memorials (Local Authorities Powers) Act 1923.

16/19 Matters for the next meeting: Highways issues

17/19 Dates of Next Meetings, as agreed: for 2018-19 at 7.30pm

5th Mar 7th May (APM and Annual Meeting).

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

5th March 2019 - The Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by Cllr Nicki Rooke