7th October 2019 Minutes

Notes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at The Chapel, Little Hale on Monday 7th October 2019 at 6 pm.

Present: Cllrs P Ireland, N Rooke, J Stapleton and A Lennox, Mrs D Scott (Clerk) and one member of the Public

Before the business of the meeting, the following matters were raised by, or on behalf of members of the public:

The Parish Council was thanked for its efforts in dealing with the highways issued concerning HGV traffic on Fen Rd. It was noted that the progress made with signage would be a step in the right direction but other action may be required.

An enquiry had been raised regarding the flooding at the junction of Fen Rd and Main Rd. Whilst it was noted that recent heavy rain was exceptional,  recurrence was happening quite often. The problem had been reported to Highways several times over the last few years, but recently the only action taken had been by residents digging a drainage channel from the gutter to the dyke to allow the water to drain away. Over time this would get silted up and collapse on itself again. Thanks were given to Cllr Ireland for his efforts. The Clerk would raise the issue again with Highways.

90/19 Welcome – Cllr Ireland welcomed all to the meeting.

91/19 Apologies for Absence – Cllr S Poulton, Cllrs Sally Tarry and Stewart Ogden (NKDC).

92/19 Declarations of Interest and Applications for Dispensation – none.

93/19 The notes of the Parish Council Meeting, held on 3rd September 2019: it was agreed unanimously that these were an accurate record.

94/19 Nomination to LALC County Committee

After discussion, it was agreed unanimously that the nomination of Cllr Lennox to the LALC County Committee be approved and passed to the LALC office.

95/19 Highways Matters

  1. HGV route - Cllr Ireland reported that Rowan Smith had sent a draft plan for replacement signage for discussion and agreement. Councillors pointed out that some sections mention existing posts which were no longer there and some mentioned new posts where there were existing posts, and clarification was needed that the sign at the junction of Fen Rd and Chapel Lane should be sited on the grass triangle facing traffic coming from the Fen, but with those corrected the plan seemed to meet the requirements and the Clerk was asked to confirm by Rowan Smith and ask him to go ahead.
  2. Highways had advised in February that ‘In Situ Carriageway Recycling Works’ would be carried out between April and September on the Fen, but no work had been carried out – Clerk to ask Highways.

96/19  Planning Matters – see www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/planningonline 19/1290/LBC, 8 Fen Road, NG34 9BD Replacement windows, minor internal alterations and erection of orangery side extension.  After discussion, it was agreed unanimously that the Parish Council supported the proposals.

97/19 War Memorial. It was noted that the payment of 50% to Wm Kent had been authorised by email and paid by transfer from the Parish Council’s account, and this was ratified. The Clerk reported that work had started on 23rd September and had made good progress before the rain. Cllr Rooke shared a photo of the work so far. Wm Kent had advised that the job should be completed by the end of November, so it was decided that an unveiling event be arranged to coincide with Remembrance Sunday, 10th November. It was agreed that this would be held at the Cemetery at 2.00pm with tea and cakes being served in the Chapel from 3.00pm. The Clerk agreed to contact Rev Paul Cockburn and Rev Chris Harrington to check their availability to lead the service. Cllr Lennox kindly offered to design flyers and a service sheet. The Clerk was authorised to make the final payment by transfer once the work was completed.

98/19 Matters for the next meeting – Social Media Policy, update on Highways traffic route signage, final arrangements for the War Memorial unveiling, provisional draft Budget for 2020-21.

99/19 Dates of Next Meetings: for 2019-20 at 7.30pm, Tuesdays.

5th Nov, 7th Jan 2020, 3rd Mar, 5th May (APM and Annual meeting)

5th November 2019 - The Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by Cllr Paul Ireland

The meeting closed at 6.48 pm