Little Hale Parish Council took ownership of the Phone Box from BT in the early 2010s and by 2012 had converted it to one of the first 'red phone box' Book Swaps in the country, with shelves and a notice board for posters.
In 2015, with financial help from the Margaret Brown Trust and support from the Community Heartbeat Trust and the East Midlands Ambulance Service, we were pleased to be able to provide a Defibrillator for the Parish. Fundraising in the parish and local donations have enabled the Parish Council to maintain a restricted fund to replace the batteries, pads and other consumables. A small group of volunteers has taken responsibility for carrying out weekly checks to ensure the Defibrillator is always ready for action, whenever it might be needed.
The Book Swap continues to be well used and is kept tidy by volunteers.
In Autumn 2021, the Parish Council expressed its gratitude to local residents, Steve and Arthur, for their efforts in cleaning and restoring the Phone Box to its former red and gold glory.