Great Hale Cemetery

The Joint Burial Committee was established at the end of the 19th century to set up and manage the new Cemetery opened on the east side of the road between Little Hale and Great Hale. Originally comprising representatives from the two Parish Councils, the Committee ('Burial Board') is now made up of the following Trustees:
Mr Paul Rooke Chairman
Mr Alan Broom Vice-Chairman
Mr John Cope
Mr Mike Priestley
Mr Maurice Barnatt
Mr Robert Needham
Mr Mike Prior
Mr Paul Rooke
Mr Peter Nickols
For more information about the Hale Magna and Hale Parva Cemetery, please contact the Clerk, Debbie Scott on 07973 330765 or by email
Annual Accounts 2022-23 Annual Accounts 2021-22 Annual Accounts 2020-21 Annual Acounts 2019-20 Annual Accounts 2018-19
Cemetery Rules - Addendum re Christmas Decorations
Cemetery Fees from 1st January 2023
Grave Digging Protocol Adopted November 2022
Great Hale Cemetery Memorial Records, as compiled by the Lincolnshire Family History Society in 1998 along with the Memorial Records for St John the Baptist Church and Churchyard in Great Hale, reproduced here by kind permission of the Society. Please note that the index at the beginning of Part 1 (Church and Churchyard) also covers Part 2 (Cemetery). For further information about the Society's work see the website.
Great Hale Cemetery Burial Records - please note that these have been compiled from our Burial Register and Plot Registers; unfortunately some of the historic data includes some anomalies (for example the dates given are listed as the dates of interments, but some appear to be the date of death, i.e., a few days earlier on one list than the other.) Some information has been omitted to save space; if you require further detail, e.g. addresses, officiants, etc., for your research, please contact the Clerk
War Memorial - during the restoration project in 2019, Mike Credland kindly shared his research with us - details of the fallen from the First World War are listed here. Tony Bush has also supplied information on Charles and William Woods. We'd love to hear from anyone else who has information about others listed on the memorial and are grateful for these details. Please note, though, that we cannot be held responsible for their accuracy, we suggest that researchers should visit source materials for themselves wherever possible.