Latest update from NKDC

Trees for Communities 

NKDC currently have two schemes available offering free trees to communities. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of North Kesteven District Council being established they are offering 50 single specimen trees to communities around the district. Additionally, they are offering free fruit trees to establish community orchards in North Kesteven as part of the Coronation Living Heritage Fund. 

Sites should be accessible to the public to some extent (e.g. amenity land, parks, village greens) and there should be plans for community engagement (such as tree planting or fruit picking). 

More information on the schemes and links to the application forms can be found on the 'Trees for Communities' webpage (please see link below). There are separate application forms for each scheme. The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Friday 20th December, although applications will close sooner if capacity is reached. 

Police and Crime Survey

The annual Police and Crime Survey plays a crucial part in understanding what residents believe are the priorities for keeping the communities of Lincolnshire safe.

The wide-ranging data that is collated as a result of the survey is shared with partners across local government to support them all in their collective aims regarding community safety, as well as being used to support joint bids for funding such as the Safer Streets Fund, which has seen millions in additional funding being gained for all of the districts of the county.

The survey is also used to ask residents about the amount of money they are prepared to contribute to the policing element of their council tax bill (known as the ‘precept’) and the consultation findings will be used to inform setting of the precept for 2025/26.

Funding for Lincolnshire Police remains one of the lowest in the UK, but the Police and Crime Commissioner is concerned to secure additional funding from central government to avoid having to make radical changes to policing across the county.

The 2024 survey is open from 6 November to 15 December. In addition, the Safer Together Team will attend public events to provide the opportunity to complete the survey face to face.

The link to the Survey is below

  • Fake “Universal Credit App and Text”

NKDC are alerting residents to a “Fake” Universal Credit App and Text which appears as “Universal Credit UK”.

The DWP is investigating, and advice is NOT to respond or try to use the App. People should only use the 

Credit website. If unsure the “Citizens Advice Help to Claim” service offers support on 0800 144 8 444 and anyone who has given information unknowingly, to a “scam” should report to Action Fraud on 03000 123 2040.

  • Fake “Winter Heating Subsidy Office”

A benefit scam. Lincs Trading Standards have issued a scam alert which claims to be from the Government. DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS IN THIS MESSAGE. Forward the message for free to 7726. Any benefit eligibility can be safely obtained from the Citizens Advice Website.

Published: Sunday, 1st December 2024