Road Closure on Burton Road, Little Hale
Please reply to: Place Directorate Highways Asset Management Surfacing and Patching, Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland Lincoln LN1 1YL www.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Tel: 01522 782070 Email: cschighways@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Our ref: 44119502/DT
Date: MAY 2024
To the Owner/Occupier
I am writing to inform you that the above highway scheme is in the course of preparation and that it will be necessary to close the public highway to vehicular traffic.
1. Description of works:- Carriageway Reconstruction
2. Reason for works:- Replace the existing carriageway with new material to maintain the road network
3. Main Contractor:- Colas on behalf of Lincolnshire Council County Highways Alliance.
4. Commencement date:- Works will commence Friday 5th July 2024 and will conclude on Tuesday 16th July 2024.
Important Note The above date may be subject to slight change if preceding works are delayed. During the planned dates and times highlighted No Parking Restrictions will apply on Burton Road. LCC kindly request you to make alternative parking arrangements.
The decision to proceed with these works has been taken and full consideration has been given to alternative means of construction and traffic management. All reasonable measures will be taken to complete the scheme as quickly as possible. Every effort will be taken to minimise disruption and inconvenience.
Advanced notification signage will be placed out on site, and all main approaches two weeks prior to the start date.
These works will be carried out under a Full Road Closure in-place during working hours, with residential and emergency access only.
During this period the road will be closed to ensure the safety of our contractors working on site, despite this we understand that residents will require access/egress to attend work/appointments and therefore we will do our best to provide access whenever possible. It is best to approach one of the members of the Traffic Management team to make them aware of your movements, they can then instruct you on when it will be possible to provide access. As you can appreciate it may not always be possible to allow access as there will be periods where recently laid material will need to cool before trafficking etc. Can I please ask that if you are to drive through the road closure under instruction then please have your hazards on and drive slowly and to the conditions of the road to avoid damage and ensure the safety of the workforce in the road. I would advise to park outside of the working area if you are able to do so as this will reduce all disruption and will ensure that you can travel freely whenever you wish but if this is not a possibility then we will do our best to provide access through the roadworks whenever reasonably practical.
I hope this addresses your concerns; Your co-operation and understanding during these works will be appreciated but should you have any specific needs or requirements or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Lincolnshire County Council on the telephone number given above.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully Surfacing and Patching