Little Hale Annual Parish Meeting May 2018
The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of Little Hale held at the Methodist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Little Hale, on Tuesday 8th May 2018 at 7.30 pm.
Present: Parish Cllrs P Ireland, N Rooke, J Stapleton and D Cox, two members of the public and Mrs D Scott (Clerk)
1. Councillor Rooke, as Chairman of the Parish Council, welcomed all to the Annual Parish Meeting. Apologies had been received from Cllr Poulton and District Cllrs S Ogden and S Tarry.
2. The minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting, held on 2nd May 2017. It was proposed by Cllr Ireland, seconded by Cllr Cox and agreed unanimously, that the minutes were an accurate record and were duly signed.
3. Poor Gardens and Land Charities Report
Mrs Cox presented the report on behalf of the Charities.
Poor Garden – Mrs Cox explained that rental income of £3148.28 had been received and distributions had been made in May 2017, 20 pensioners receiving £25 each, 6 Sixth Formers/College Students £150 each, and HAVCS £100 (in recognition of no payment made the previous year) and Parva House had been paid £8 for the use of the room.
In December the distributions were held at the Chapel and there were 21 pensioners receiving £25 each, 6 widows/widowers receiving £200 towards fuel costs. In January 2018 2 residents received £75 each transport allowance. That charity had made a donation to the Chapel for the use of the room and reimbursed Mrs Cox for stationery etc.
The Land Rents’ income had been in two payments of £215.00 - £430.00 for the year, and book tokens had been given out to 2 Year 6 pupils (£15 each) and 4 year 11 students (£35 each). Donations of £75 each had been to Great Hale Parish Church for the Messy Church sessions, Little Hale Chapel and Parva House. Again expenses had been reimbursed. The Charities’ next meeting would be on 6th November and Mrs Cox would send a copy of the accounts for the PC’s file.
4. Great Hale and Little Hale Joint Burial Committee
Mrs Scott, in her capacity as Clerk to the Burial Board, gave the report on behalf of the Trustees, and circulated copies of the accounts for 2017-18.
She pointed out that costs appeared lower than the previous, accounted for by fewer grass cuts during the financial year, but income was higher, despite the small number of burial etc, as the majority or events were for non-parishioners, therefore at the higher rate.
The Board very much appreciated the continued support from both Parish Councils and welcomed the proposal from Little Hale Parish Council for the restoration of the War Memorial.
5. Parish Council Chairman’s Report.
Cllr Rooke thanked her colleagues on the Council, the District Councillors and the Clerk for their work throughout the year, the Methodist Circuit for the use of the Chapel and the volunteer group who continued to carry out regular checks on the Defib to ensure it stayed ready for action at all times. Potholes continued to be a problem for the Parish and she reported that the Parish Council had recently been part of joint correspondence with the surrounding parishes, to LCC, instigated by Burton Pedwardine Parish Meeting. She and other councillors had looked into the Triton Knoll Community Fund and were hopeful that some future project in the parish may be eligible for funding. The new co-mingled litter bin (ie for litter and dog waste) was being regularly used as was the new footpath between Little Hale and Great Hale Fens. She finished by reminding all that the Parish Council was working towards an event to make the centenary of the end of WWI, with a view to raising funds to refurbish the War Memorial in the Cemetery.
6. Matters Raised.
Certificates were presented to those present who had attended the Red Cross First Aid Course on 2nd May.
There were no other matters brought to the meeting
The meeting closed at 7.50 pm
7th May 2019 - The Minutes were agreed as a true record and signed by Cllr Nicki Rooke